We all struggle with sin....How am I going to respond?
Misperceptions about Sin:
- If we publicly expose it, we can deal with it...the more people that know about it, the easier it is to deal with the problem.
- The church can fix our problems, if we just go more, do more pray more, serve more etc.
- Rally around the Cross...not the church!
What do I do when the Cross is all that I have?
Jesus kept his knowledge of the sin between himself and the sinner.
I am to follow the example of Christ-deal with sin one on one.
First and foremost, I should be ready and willing to look within myself before casting stones of judgment and pointing out other people's problems or sins!
I need to seek to restore the person before condemning the sin...
Jesus said to the woman, "Go, and sin no more..." He wanted the adulterous woman to go from there, and live a new, changed life. A life of freedom from the sinful life that she was living prior to her encounter with the loving Christ. He was concerned with restoring her to a fulfilling, Godly life.
I need to allow my conviction to be motivation for myself to change.
In addition, I need to allow God to convict the hearts of others into being their motivation for change.
Conviction is not about guilt. It is about the presence and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Father, God! I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead my life and also lead the lives of those around me.
(1-10-2010 HCBC...S.B.)