Friday, June 11, 2010

Sonshine from the Rain.

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So greatful for friends who love Christ, and who love me enough, to come alongside me, and pray with me....helping me to refocus...GOD IS IN CONTROL. I'm not. and That's a GOOD thing! I forgive the man who spoke those words to me...and hurt me, deeply. I choose to pray for him...for the Lord to soften his heart...that God will bring this man a deep awareness of how his words and demeanor have the ability to affect others. I pray that God will continue to speak truth through me...and cushion me from any consequences of my obedience to Him...but that I will continue to learn, and grow, and love others, just as Christ loves me.

I stand on the promise, and in the power of Jesus Christ. I no longer have to be prey for satan to roam through my life! Thank you Lord, for placing yourself between family...and the enemy! I AM NOT A VICTIM. I am an ambassador for YOU LORD! You are able...and I am willing....LORD...USE MY LIFE FOR YOUR GLORY!!! Every moment of every day. Thank you for quick reminders that put my eyes back on you when they roam!
