Thursday, August 27, 2020

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©️2020, Written By Stephanie Cawthron

#BrokenWingLife #ERASED #PAS

She desperately claws at her skin till it bleeds

It’s just so simple, the presence of her children is what she needs.


He’s up all night, he works so hard

But raising his children apparently was not in the cards.


She cries all night and sleeps all day,

Each breath is agony and it’s all she can do to even pray.


He watches her cry, cringes as she screams

The day “SHE” took their children was the end of all their dreams.


Yesterday, today, tomorrow, there is no end in sight

Every attempt feels impossible and they don’t know how to make things right.


They’ve begged, they’ve pleaded, they’ve done all they know to do

Each breath is a gasp for air, they don’t know how to keep pushing through.


The years flash by in memories, like a spinning projector on the reel

They close their eyes and tears gush down, you can’t imagine how it feels.


Their souls are ripped and shredded now, the fibers hold on by strings

So many years have passed by now, since placing on the rings.


Each day is full of sorrow, barely hoping for tomorrow

Each new dawn brings forth new days of never ending sorrow.


Each day is like new death, you see, but there will be no service

No mourning friends, no potluck meals, no comfort when they are nervous.


The night goes on forever, the darkness never ends

No matter what we’ve tried, there’s no way to make amends.


Her birthday came and went this year, they weren’t aloud to call

Her “MOTHER” has her where she wants, her back against the wall.


He cringes now in silence now, the brokenness he feels

There’s no new hope to light this day, he falls apart, he reels.


Up in smoke it all would seem, their dreams and plans are gone

The kids get older every day, My God, this feels so wrong!


Alone she waits in silence, inside she wants to scream

The tears no longer fall, and her heart no longer dreams.


It hurts to breathe, to be awake, to deal with all she thinks

The nights are long and lonely, her worries push her to the brink.


She longs to hold her babies, she longs to hug them tight

She longs to tuck them into bed and read them to sleep each night.


She always thinks about them, awake and in her dreams

And somehow,  deep inside her,  remains a mustard seed.


A mustard seed of faith Is all it takes to live and grow

In spite of all the desperate things we’re not allowed to know.


I’ll do it for my children, I’ll do it for my man,

I’ll hang on tight with every breath for as absolutely long as I can.


Lord God fulfill your promises, and help our love to stand

You light the way, give strength each day, please,  lend a helping hand.


We’ve waited for so long dear God anticipating what you’ll do

Be faithful God. Come quick dear God. We need you to push through.