Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mark 2~~~How are Passion & Trust/Obedience developed?

Demonstrating my complete trust ant confidence in the Grace of God is never a waste of time or devotion!

~Learn to risk something for His glory...

?When is the last time I actually gave something up to Glorify Christ?

~Don't allow obstacles to hinder our obedience!
-Don't wait....DO IT NOW!
-Don't worry about what others think.
-Jesus is the best friend we'll ever have!

v4- I don't want to be a part of a crown that keeps anyone from Jesus!

~Live everyday with confidence in God's grace and power!

Am I a part of the problem, or the solution for God to do His work in my life?

Romans 1:5  ....Obedience comes from faith....

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