Tuesday, October 24, 2017


You started a war

Now I'll Settle the score

You started this Fight

Now ending this is my Plight

Never again

No longer will you win

I'll Take it all back

Close the door on your every sin

The Rift is expansive and I've reached the Conclusion

Your love isn't real, it's just an Illusion

You've kept me Imprisoned

In chains, bound in shackles 

Made every single fucking day of my life a battle 

But I've cut you off, with a double edged knife

Now I abhor you

Never again will I adore you

Forever, You repulse me

Look into my eyes

Can't you see that I despise you? 

You disgust me, make me sick, you 

Sick sadistic bitch

My heart no longer cares for you! It's locked up, on ice, pent, restrained, restricted, sealed up and protected! 

You started a war now I'm settling the score. 




Don't hold your breath

Not on your life

Not under any condition or occasion! 

Your Affliction is progressive, hateful and aggressive. 

Your mind is Unsound, your hearts in the ground. 

Today, I am faultless, flawless, perfect, unbroken.

I no longer consider any words you have spoken. 

You started a war, now I'll settle the score. I no longer adore you, my love trampled in the courts. 

I no longer consider any words you have spoken. 

You started a war, now I'll settle the score. 

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